With a reputation for continuously investing in product development and a heritage reaching back to 1885, Avon Protection is the known and trusted brand in CBRN respiratory protection products for air, land and sea operations.
We recognize that training covering the safe use and servicing of our products is critical to ensure safety to our customers. With a robust offering of training courses, we ensure those that are protecting us on a daily basis are able to advance with confidence.
Air Purifying Respirator Training
LEVEL I - End User Operator Training
Course prerequisites: Purchase of Avon Protection product
Course scope: End user product training provides detailed training for initial product fielding and use. The course may take place at the user site or online if available by department.
Those completing the course will be able to demonstrate the following skills:
- Pre-operational procedures
- Donning and doffing of equipment
- Correct use of equipment
- Overview of available accessories and spares
- Cleaning and product storage
- Basic understanding of protections provided and not provided
Level II - Operator and Maintenance Journey Level Training
Course prerequisites: Purchase of Avon Protection product; Appropriate tools and equipment; Clean area to service Avon Protection equipment
Course scope: End-user Journey Level training is designed to teach the end user how to properly maintain and service the Avon products owned by their organization. This course may be conducted at or near an Avon Protection facility, or at customer’s location on request.
Those completing the course will be able to demonstrate the following skills:
- Identification of major and minor components of the breathing air system
- Basic Theory of Operation
- Proper techniques when servicing the specific breathing apparatus
- Proper use of tools, chemicals, and test equipment
- Identification and handling of non-serviceable PPE
- Sizing and Fitting procedures
Supplied Air & Tactical Self Contained Breathing Apparatus Training
LEVEL I - End User Operator Training
Course prerequisites: Purchase of Avon Protection product
Course scope: End user product training provides detailed training for initial product fielding and use. The course may take place at the user site or online if available by department.
Those completing the course will be able to demonstrate the following skills:
- Pre-operational procedures
- Donning and doffing of equipment
- Correct use of equipment
- Overview of available accessories and spares
- Cleaning and product storage
- Basic understanding of protections provided and not provided
Level II - Operator and Maintenance Journey Level Training
Course prerequisites: Purchase of Avon Protection product; Appropriate tools and equipment; Clean area to service Avon Protection equipment
Course scope: End-user Journey Level training is designed to teach the end user how to properly maintain and service the Avon Protection products owned by their organization. This course may be conducted at or near an Avon Protection facility, or at customer’s location on request.
Those completing the course will be able to demonstrate the following skills:
- Identification of major and minor component of the breathing air system
- Basic Theory of Operation
- Proper techniques when servicing the specific breathing apparatus
- Proper use of tools, chemicals, and test equipment
- Identification and handling of non-serviceable equipment
- Sizing and fitting procedures
Level III - Service Level Training
Course prerequisites: Avon Protection Level II certification; Appropriate tools and equipment specific to the product; Clean area to service Avon Protection equipment
Course scope: Service Center Technician training is designed to train service center personnel to service and maintain multiple Avon Protection products for various end users.
Level III Service will include all service work to the demand valves, pneumatic EOSTI, and first stage pressure reducers. Also included in this level are highly technical repairs, or electronic replacements that require very special attention. This level of repair, as required by 29 CFR 1910.134, must be completed by SCBA manufacturer personnel or personnel trained by the SCBA manufacturer. No distributor or third party may train personnel to this level of repair.
This course may be conducted at or near an Avon Protection facility, or at the service center location upon request.
Those completing the course will be able to demonstrate the following skills:
- Identification of major/minor components of the breathing air systems
- Basic Theory of Operation
- Electronics troubleshooting and modification using Guardian/Defender
- Proper techniques when servicing the specific breathing apparatus
- Proper use of tools, chemicals, and test equipment
- Advanced troubleshooting techniques
- Certifying the apparatus as fit for service
Book a Training Course
All training plans are supported with individual students notes. Training DVDs are also provided for some products where appropriate. Training notes and DVDs can be provided in regional languages, a quote for translation will be provided prior to ordering the training plan.